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Wee Links




Programming Success Manual




Table of Contents


3          Welcome

4          Safety

5          Supervision

5          Mementos

5          Statistics

5          Using Wee Links for Both Instruction and Social Play

6          Reaching Players

6          Programs, Activities and Events

7          Playing Formats and Games

7          Plugging into the Golf Community

8          Basic Instruction

9          Equipment

9          Expenses

9          Revenue

10        Tradition

10        Assistance


11        Appendix 1      Explanation of Playing Formats and Games

13        Appendix 2      Wee Links Golf Etiquette






Welcome to the Wee Links network! You are to be congratulated for operating a Wee Links golf course. 


Your course will provide fun, easy and unique outdoor exercise, and it will introduce the wonderful attributes of golf to many new players. Throughout their lifetime, they will be able to enjoy the camaraderie, fellowship, exercise, and friendly competition of golf, while developing such values as honesty, integrity, sportsmanship, and respect. Being comfortable with golf will give them an instant connection with the millions of others who enjoy the game.  


Your Wee Links programming will be a catalyst for fun and contagious enthusiasm. You will be able to easily host many types of activities for all ages of players, whether they are just starting or accomplished players.


Obviously, your very important role in the success of Wee Links is like that of a Pied Piper. Your enthusiasm will become contagious and inspire a growing community of players. I am here to support you in this endeavor, as are all the other Wee Links operators. We believe you will find operating a Wee Links to be very rewarding and gratifying. 


This manual is designed to share best practices and review some of the many possibilities for programming and growing the game of golf. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination and creativity.


Everyone involved in the game of golf thanks you for your efforts to grow and perpetuate the game through energetic, fun, safe programming at your Wee Links.  


If we can assist you with ideas for your Wee Links in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. We are especially interested in your feedback and suggestions about activities and outreach ideas. 



Thank you, 


Jeff Burey

J.F. Burey Golf Professional & Consultant, LLC





There are three goals for the Wee Links experience:

# 1 Be Safe!

# 2 Learn - Always try to learn something new!

#3 Have fun!


The safety of everyone on and around a Wee Links course is of foremost importance. Your Wee Links was designed with player safety top of mind. Every Wee Links golfer should be instructed from day one on the importance of always being responsible and safe. 


Wee Links safety is largely a matter of awareness. Here are a few thoughts regarding Wee Links golf safety. We recommend these points be explained to, and rehearsed by, each beginning player.

  • When not hitting or receiving instruction, players should stand still and “cane” their clubs by holding clubheads in the palm(s) of their hand(s) with the handles on the ground.

  • Players who are not swinging should stand in a safe position outside the swing radius of the player who is about to swing. 

  • Players who are not swinging should face the player who is playing and see her eyes or be a safe distance behind the swinging player. 

  • Stop and look before you swing to make sure other players are clear. Also, when you are walking, make sure no one is hitting around you! 

  • Rule of 5 - Be sure there are 5 BIG STEPS between you and other players. Always strive to use the Rule of 5!

  • The group ahead of a player should be out of range before the player swings.

  • If a ball is hit toward another player, a warning call of “FORE” should be shouted. Shouting “FORE” can be embarrassing and a bit intimidating, so we especially recommend each beginning player practice it several times when introduced to Wee Links. 

  • If a player hears someone yell “FORE” they should immediately cover their head and duck.

  • Beware of thunderstorms and lightning. Metal clubs and tall flagsticks can be very dangerous in lightning. Stop playing and go to a safe building when lightning is seen, or thunder is heard. Wear sunscreen. If the sun is in the sky, make sure to reapply!

  • Wear a hat. A hat protects your face, which is the most important place!

  • Find shade. When you start to fade, find a spot in the shade!

  • Drink LOTS of water. Drink water each day to stay hydrated the right way! 

Players should receive periodic safety reminders from course supervisors and when checking in before they play. 


We recommend the use of limited flight balls with less experienced players. (See “Equipment”)


Golf is a great way to improve overall physical and mental health. If modifications need to be made to a program to address community health concerns, such as COVID-19, adaptations can be considered in order to remain socially connected while physically distanced.


Each Wee Links course should have in place appropriate insurance coverage for the unlikely and unfortunate event of an accident.




A wonderful aspect of Wee Links courses is that play on every hole can easily be supervised from any of several locations on the course. Instructors and coaches can monitor and direct as many as 18 players at one time. The instructor or coach is aware of all the players but is not so close that the players feel micro-managed. 





Your Wee Links will be the place where many holes in one will be made. An ace on a Wee Links is as exciting as a hole in one on a regulation par 3 course and the player experiences the same emotions. Your facility may want to have a memento of some sort for such occasions. One facility has a tee shirt with its logo and the words “I made a Hole in One on the Red Bridge Wee Links.”


Another option might be to have a certificate that can be dated and signed instantly the day of the hole in one and presented to the player. Social media recognition may be appropriate. You may be able to imagine even more exciting alternatives. 




It has been our pleasure to assist with the development of your Wee Links course. We hope to assist others who would like such a facility. In that regard, we will be in touch with you to determine the easiest way to collect statistics on use of your Wee Links. Your experience will help us demonstrate the effectiveness of Wee Links courses and help us install Wee Links courses for those who need them at other locations.


Using Wee Links for Both Instruction and Social Play


Wee Links is ideal for introducing the game of golf to anyone wanting to learn. On site,

a Wee Links course can be used to efficiently teach putting, chipping, and pitching. Playing a Wee Links course introduces the importance of forming a creative strategy prior to playing a stroke. On a Wee Links, players learn the basic rules of golf, definitions, golf vocabulary, course etiquette, scoring, and good safety practices. Wee Links are also very effective in the introduction of various playing formats and games. Having group or individual instruction available, using the Wee Links, makes teaching and learning much more efficient


While Wee Links is ideal for instruction, it is perfectly suited for individual play and social play activities for experienced players. The ease of play and close proximity make Wee Links perfect for social outings for experienced players of all ages.


Reaching Players


Playing on a Wee Links course appeals to all ages. Although the mix of Wee Links players will vary from Links to Links, many of the same outreach ideas will be effective at each course. Here are likely sources of individuals and groups who will be interested in playing your Wee Links:


  • Local First Tee program participants and graduates

  • Children, parents, and grandparent, individually, in outings and in tournaments

  • Local summer camps

  • Local player leagues on large courses (senior’s, men’s’, women’s’, and children’s)

  • Local golf course patrons

  • Referrals from local PGA of America members and teaching professionals

  • Children – through schools, after school programs, via websites, church bulletins, etc.

  • Local golf course superintendents’ family outing days

  • Local PGA section family days

  • Golf course volunteers and their children and grandchildren

  • Individual lessons or coaching

  • Fund raising events (high school teams, Boy and Girl Scouts, charities, churches, etc.) 

  • Family reunions / picnics / holidays

  • Company outings


Programs, Activities and Events


Here are the kinds of programs, activities and events that have proven to draw players. 


  • SNAG© (Starting New at Golf) clinics

  • First Tee programming 

  • Leagues

  • After school programming with local park and recreation departments

  • Clinics, leagues, and programs for local YMCAs.

  • Park and recreation district summer programs

  • High school golf team short game practice amenity

  • Golf mentor programs  

  • Birthday parties

  • Outings for golf course volunteers and their children and grandchildren

  • Senior, men’s, ladies’ and children’s match and stroke play events

  • Birthday parties 

  • Elementary and middle school field trips

  • Church youth group outings

  •  Tournaments matching a local PGA Pro with a Junior

  • Local college and community college leagues

  • County high school coaches outing

  • US Kids Mini-kids event

  • Special Olympics practice and events


Playing Formats and Games


When groups are assembled for activities, there are many types of playing formats and games that may be used. Here is a list for your consideration. Each of these is explained in Appendix 1 at the end of this manual.


  • Individual and Team Stroke Play 

  • Individual and Team Match Play

  • Scrambles / Captain’s Choice

  • Foursome Play

  • Shootout / Horse Race

  • Bingo, Bango, Bongo

  • Total Putts

  • Closest to the Hole

  • Total Ups and Down

  • 1, 2 or 3 Club Tournament

  • Flag Tournament

  • Major Championship Pro Am

  • Parent / Child Scramble

  • Longest Putts

  • Ringer

  • League Play


Plugging into the Golf community


Individuals introduced to the game of golf on the Wee Links will always have a soft spot for continuing to play a Wee Links course, but they will also have many opportunities to grow as life-long golfers and play other venues. Since most all the elements of traditional golf a taught and learned on the Wee Links transition is mostly seamless! With short-game fundamentals in place and understanding the concept of scoring, Wee Links players should take advantage of some or all the following:


  • Continue with individual and or group instruction

  • Play traditional, par 3 or executive courses

  • Play competitive in age-appropriate competitions 

  • Participate in programs such as First Tee and Youth on Course

  • Learn about and participate on high school golf team or middle school golf club

  • Discover friends from the Wee Links and other golf activities with whom to play and practice

  • Encourage parents and grandparents to play and practice with the wee Links graduate

  • Excite friends and younger siblings about golf


Basic Instruction


Player Instruction –Your Wee Links course is a very effective platform for teaching all aspects of golf (except the full swing and bunker play). That said, high level golf instruction is not at all necessary. Simple explanations of safety, etiquette, pitching, chipping, and putting are all that are needed.


Wee Links instruction is fun and simple. The beauty of Wee Links golf is that players experience the essence of golf without the time and effort of mastering a full swing. New players feel quite comfortable on a Wee Links course. 


For beginner player instruction, we highly recommend using SNAG© (“Starting New At Golf”) equipment, training tools, and curriculum. The SNAG© program provides an easy step by step explanation of how to putt, chip, and pitch. In addition, local PGA members are an excellent resource to make an introduction to golf easy, comfortable, and fun. 


A successful Wee Links depends less upon technical swing instruction and more upon a genuine interest in people, their safety and providing an opportunity to have fun and find camaraderie with playing partners.


Staff Training – If you have one or more PGA teaching professionals on staff, that’s fantastic, but certainly not necessary. If not, a coach, recreation specialist with some golf experience, or experienced parent or grandparent would enjoy introducing the game utilizing your Wee Links. Safety suggestions are found above under “Safety,” explanations of different golf playing formats and games are found at Appendix 1, an explanation of golf etiquette is found at Appendix 2, and simple instructions for putting, chipping, and pitching [from the founder / inventor of SNAG© equipment may be found at [You Tube address]].




Wee Links courses may be played with either limited flight balls (such as “Almost Golf Balls”), SNAG© (“Starting New At Golf”) balls, or real golf balls. Due to the short length of Wee Links holes, and out of concern for safety, we strongly recommend the use of Almost Golf Balls or SNAG© golf balls with entry level players.


To play a Wee Links course, players need use only a wedge or other short iron and a putter. Most players, particularly more experienced players, may prefer to use their own clubs.  The facility will want to have a selection of wedges and putters for other, particularly less experienced, players. The equipment selection should also include SNAG© (“Starting New At Golf”) Launchers, Rollers, Launch Pads, and SNAG© Balls.


Traditional Clubs – Although most Wee Links players will have clubs, an inventory of loaner clubs (both junior and adult) can easily be put together. Area golf courses, First Tee chapters, and golf driving ranges are a resource for used junior and adult equipment.   Typically, these clubs will be made available at no charge


SNAG© Clubs - You may also wish to offer SNAG© (“Starting New at Golf”) clubs and balls. The two SNAG© clubs are a “Roller” (putter), which can be used right or left-handed, and a “Launcher” (a lofted club that is either right or left-handed). Rollers and Launchers come in three lengths. Only a small inventory is required as clubs can easily and quickly be shared in the close proximity of a Wee Links course. 




Wee Links are designed to keep your turf maintenance budget to a minimum. Over time, there will be a need for replacement course equipment and operating supplies. Flagsticks, flags, artificial turf for tee boxes, and cups will need periodic replacement over the long term. An inventory of operating supplies, scorecards, pencils, etc. should always be on hand. When there is a need to replace damaged or worn flags, flag sticks, cups, artificial turf for tee boxes, rubber tees, or supplies like scorecards and pencils, there are multiple local suppliers. For any necessary assistance, contact a local golf professional, course superintendent or Jeff Burey at J.F. Burey Golf Professional & Consultant, LLC,




Wee Links are well suited to fundraising events such as parties and tournaments. They can also be supported by other fundraising methods like sponsors, donors, tournaments, advertising, etc. Hopefully, interest in the game sparked by your Wee Links will also generate a certain amount of lesson revenue.


We don’t wish to see anyone interested in playing golf at a Wee Links turned away for financial reasons. While we strongly encourage the operation of Wee Links without charging greens fees, some situations may require that revenue be generated to some extent.  If that is, or becomes, the case for your course, please contact us in order that we may discuss the possibility of scholarships for certain players. 




Wee Links courses share a good deal of the rich history of golf. It wasn’t unusual for Scottish towns to have something similar to a public Wee Links in the center of town. Wee Links courses reflect many historic golf course design traditions from Scotland, the birthplace of golf. The term for a golf course, “Links” refers to the level, sandy dunes areas next to the ocean. The Old Course at Saint Andrews, Scotland, was established in 1552, but wasn’t named “The Old Course” until 1895. The 18 holes at The Old Course feature links golf, playing “out” for nine holes and “in” for nine holes, with seven double greens. A Wee Links course with six short holes and one double green makes for a small “wee” experience. Playing “out” and “in” three times around is an 18-hole outing. 


The traditional design of a Wee Links is a perfect place to promote golf’s other traditions such as sportsmanship, honesty, integrity, respect, self-control, confidence, responsibility, perseverance, courtesy, and judgment. Golf provides opportunities to meet new people, and promotes fun, respectful social interaction, and other life skills. It’s an all-around healthful activity that benefits any community. 




The golf community is friendly and supportive. We want your Wee Links to thrive. If you have questions or require support, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or other members of the golf community. We would be pleased to be of assistance. 


Jeff Burey, PGA 

J.F. Burey Golf Professional & Consultant, LLC   




Appendix 1


Explanation of Playing Formats and Games


  • Individual or Team Stroke Play – Player (or team) records their total strokes for each hole and the lowest total score for the number of holes being played in the event wins.

  • Individual or Team Match Play – Player (or two-person team) competes against another player (or two-person team) on a hole-by-hole basis. The player (or team) winning the most holes out of the number of holes being played in the event wins.  

  • Scramble / Captain’s Choice – All players tee off. Best shot is chosen, and all players hit second shot from that place. Again, best shot is chosen and all play third shot from that place. Repeat that process until ball is holed. Record hole-by-hole scores. Lowest total score wins. In the Captains Choice format, one designated team member chooses which ball will be played.

  • Foursomes – Teams of two players alternate turns hitting the same ball. Player A tees off. Player B hits that ball for the second shot. Player A hits that ball for the third shot, etc. Players take turns teeing off (one player tees of on even numbered holes, the other on odd numbered holes).  This format works for stroke play and match play.

  • Shootout / Horse Race - More than four players usually participate. All players tee off on the same hole and furthest player from the hole plays next until all balls are holed. Player with the highest score on that hole is eliminated from further play. Remaining players repeat the process on the next designated hole until one winning player remains. If players tie for the high score on a hole, the those who tied chip from a location and the furthest from the hole is eliminated. 

  • Bingo, Bango, Bongo – Two or more players may receive up to three points per hole. One point for the ball stopping on the green first (Bingo), one point for the ball stopping closest to the hole after all balls have stopped on the green (Bango), and one for the first player to hole their ball (Bongo)(even if another player holes out in the same number of strokes).

  • Total Putts – Each player records the number of putts they take from the green each hole. The lowest number of total putts wins. Only putts from greens count.

  • Closest to the Hole – All competitors participate when they come to a designated hole during the event. A marker with a place for names is placed on the designated green. If a player’s tee shot finishes closer to the hole than the marker, they write their name on the marker and move it to where their tee shot stopped. After all players have finished, the player hitting the closest shot wins. 

  • Total Ups and Downs – Players record the number of times their tee shot misses the green, but they still chip on (or in) and make par (or birdie). Player with the most Ups and Downs wins.  

  • One or Two Club Tournament – All players must use only the one or two clubs designated by the person running the tournament. Low score wins.

  • Flag Tournament – Each player receives a flag and one number around or just less than par (18) is selected. Groups tee off from hole number one and each player plants their flag where their shot of that number ends up (i.e., if the number is 16, the player plants the flag where their 16th shot came to rest). The player whose flag has gone farthest wins.  If a player finishes all six holes before taking the designated number of strokes, they keep playing starting on hole number one.

  • Major Championship Pro Am – When a major (or any) professional tournament is being played, players on the Wee Links draw a name of a pro playing in that tournament and their scores for the day are combined. Low total score wins.

  • Parent-Child Scramble – A parent or grandparent teams with their child or grandchild and all teams play a scramble format. 

  • Longest Putt – Similar to “Closest to the Hole,” all competitors participate when they come to a designated green during the event. A marker with a place for names is placed on the designated green. If a player makes a putt that is farther from the hole than the marker, they write their name on the marker and move it to where their putt started. After all players have finished, the player making the longest putt wins. 

  • Ringer – This is a season long event. Players post their lowest total scores for any round. All scores are posted week one. If a player shoots a lower score week two, it replaces the score for week one. Same for subsequent weeks. The lowest score at the end of the designated season is the winner.

  • League Teams Play – An adult captain coordinates teams of four or five juniors who compete on a regular basis in tournaments. Competition formats vary.





Appendix 2


Wee Links Golf Etiquette


When you pick up the game of golf, it's good to understand the basics at the beginning of your golf journey. 


At the first tee:

  • Look playing companions in the eye, shake hands, introduce yourself, and make friends. 

  • Check the scorecard to learn any local rules.

  • Local rules apply only to the specific course you are playing.

  • If you're playing companions suggest a match, it's a good idea to make sure everyone is comfortable with the proposed game.

  • Make sure you can identify your ball and inform the other players the type and number ball you are playing. You may need to mark it with a pen.


Your group should keep pace with the group in front of you:

  • Walk at a reasonable speed between shots and play quickly without rushing.

  • Begin planning your next shot as you approach the ball by studying the contours of the ground between your ball and the hole. 

  • When you reach your ball, check the lie, select your club, visualize your swing and shot, and then play your shot.

  • The ball that is farthest from the hole is the next one to be played.

  • Be quiet and stand still while others are hitting.

  • Wait your turn and always be ready to play when it is your turn.

  • If you aren't ready to play when it is your turn, encourage one of your fellow players to play.

  • Listen to and learn from players who are more experienced than you.

On the Green, remember:

  • Don't step on your fellow players putting lines -- the imaginary line that connects the ball to the hole.

  • If your ball is on a player's line, volunteer to mark the ball.

  • Do not stand where you might distract a fellow player and don't move.

  • Don't make any noise when your fellow player is preparing to putt.

  • If you tend the flagstick, make sure you aren't standing on anyone's line.

  • Hold the flagstick so the flag doesn't flutter in the breeze, and make sure your shadow doesn't fall across the hole or line. Loosen the bottom of the flagstick before you pull, so it doesn't stick when you try to remove it by pulling it straight up after the other player has putted. The flagstick should be removed right after the player has hit the ball.

  • If you lay down the flagstick, lay it off the green to prevent doing any damage to the green.

  • Generally, the player closest to the hole will tend the flagstick.

  • After everyone has putted out, immediately replace the flagstick, and walk to the next tee.

  • Walk softly and carefully on the greens.

Other thoughts:

  • For safety's sake, never hit when there's a chance you might be able to reach the group ahead of you, and anytime you hit a shot that you think even has remote chance of hitting any other players, yell "Fore" immediately, and make a point of apologizing to any players your ball lands near.

  • Displays of frustration are one thing, but outbursts of temper are quite another. Yelling, screaming, throwing clubs, or otherwise acting foolishly are unacceptable and, in some cases, dangerous to yourself and others. Profanity is inappropriate and unacceptable.

  • Leave the course better than you found it.

  • Finally, at the end of the round, respectfully remove your hat, shake hands with your fellow players, congratulate the winners, console the losers, and thank them for their company. 

At the end of the day, the great pleasure of the game is the time you get to spend with your friends whether old friends or new friends you just made through the game.


(Adapted from PGA.COM “Golf for Beginners: Golf Etiquette, Rules and Glossary” Published on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 and the PGA Junior League)

Instruction and Play
Reaching Players
Playing Formats and Games
Programs, Activitis and Events
Plugging Into the Golf Community
Basic Instruction
Appendix 1 Playing Formats and Games
Wee Links Golf Etiquette

© 2023 by J.F. Burey Golf Professional and Consultant.

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